Sunday, 8 February 2009

Those magnificent men in their flying machines

When my dad was here last year one of the things we did was visit the air force museum at Wigram. Today they held their annual open day. Part of the programme involved an air flying display. I've always like planes (wanted to be a pilot in the RAF for a while, until poor eyesight ended that idea) and used to go to air displays with my dad as a kid. As a result I couldn't pass up the opportunity to go along to a display only a couple of kilometres from home.

The display wasn't quite what you'd see at a big European or American air display but it was still good. I was always going to enjoy it, I think. I'm always so impressed with what the pilots can do with their aircraft. You never expect helicopters to fly almost vertical or large planes to perform the tight banks and steep climbs that they do. And the close-quarters synchronised stuff is pretty special. The highlight for today for me though was probably what the pilots of a Boeing 757 and a Hercules managed to pull off. Just amazing.

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