It's been really fun wandering around Christchurch today with tourist's eyes again. The day started quite grey, but by lunchtime, after we'd done a few jobs I needed to get done around town, the sky cleared and the sun came out and Nuzziland welcomed by Dad properly after being a little shy for the first twenty hours or so.
We drove round a little to try and get him some bearings, went shopping for some clothes he'll need but didn't bring, wandered into town to get him a camera case, did the essential tourist thing of going on the city tram tour and then drove out to New Brighton for a coffee. Have I mentioned I love that pier before?
Tomorrow we've got a hot air balloon ride scheduled (although the weather forecast makes it look like it's unlikely to proceed unfortunately, despite the brilliant blue sky I am currently sitting under). I just phoned the company for instructions on where we have to meet and when. It appears that I have to phone them at 4am for the recorded message about whether we get to fly or not before meeting up in a carpark behind a mall somewhere in town if it's all going ahead. 4am! That's quarter to stupid o'clock. 4am.
why? OT why ?
9 years ago
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