Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Missed opportunity

Sometimes I wish I had my camera with me everywhere I go. I'd look like one of those people who always have their camera with them but then I wouldn't miss those shots I want to keep or share. Take this morning as an example. I was driving in to work and just saw a scene that I would have loved to share. There was a heavy frost last night that remained this morning, accompanied by hazy, low clouds sitting just above the ground. As I drove past one of the fields on the edge of town cows stood around lazily on the hard, white field. Their breath caused small clouds of condensation in the cold air, and they disappeared off into the misty distance, shadowy, ghostly forms, while the low, winter sun tried in vain to shine through a leafless row of windbreak trees. It was a beautiful scene. And now it's gone. Forever.

One day we'll be able to download snapshots of our memory as jpegs. When that happens we'll be able to share the moments of beauty only we experience.

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