Saturday, 30 June 2007

Bolt from the blue

Joanne was sat at work yesterday when her boss (or the boss of her boss, I can't remember) came over to tell her that it had been decided with the Singapore office to do a three month transitionary process regarding her role meaning she is going to be working remotely after all. Assuming it all works out regarding technology and stuff the timescale will just be rolled until they find someone in Singapore to do the role there at which time there will be a handover. Now that was a surprise. We had totally given up hope, thinking everyone there had just forgotten about the idea, with no-one willing to make such a revolutionary decision, but it appears not. Things have been going on behind the scenes.

Why does it amaze us so much when God answers prayers? But it always does. Tuesday we had the prayer supper, and then on Thursday, out of the blue, when we thought all hope was gone, this turns up.

There are still details to be worked out, like the technological aspects, and whether Joanne resigns and is brought back as a contractor, and pay roll issues and stuff. But it's definitely a positive step. She intends to keep the applications in place I mentioned before, just in case this all falls flat, but it's nice to have options.

A formal internal announcement was sent out yesterday at work regarding my news. It's such a relief to have it all out in the open and to be able to talk to people about it. Everyone's been really lovely and wished me all the best, which is nice.

You know, the hardest thing about leaving this place is the reaction of the staff in my team in the producing countries, our field teams. Chris was telling me, before he told his pupils he was leaving to go to college that he expected them to be disappointed and in a way feel rejected, and that that would be hard to take. I hadn't expected anything similar. It's surprised me than in a few of the team this is just the reaction I've got. I guess that since my old boss left I have become their friend and ally in London at the head office, the one fighting their corner and ensuring they're not forgotten. But to them, I've turned my back on that. I do feel in so many ways that I am letting them down. And it's hard to deal with.

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