We went to see Jack Johnson last night. The mellowest gig ever. Definitely a different vibe to the Bon Jovi concert. It was awesome though. He was on for two hours and there can't have been that many songs from his four albums that he didn't play. A great way to spend an evening, even if it did mean missing football. He's definitely the coolest Hawaian around.
Listening to him play took me back to the time I spent living in New York. Three months in May through July 2004. It was there I first heard his music, you see. Way before anyone else in the UK had ever heard of him. I have Ian to thank for that. He introduced me to Jack Johnson and I got together with him once a week to read through Ephesians. It always amazes me how God works to put us in places we can be useful to him causing us to cross paths with people when they're in need. We just need to be ready to fill that need.
Joanne and I went to church this morning. I always really get a lot out of Good Friday services. As a Christian sometimes we can become blase about Easter and what it really is about. Yes, we can trot out the right answers but it's good to think and meditate and reflect on it. On the surface, an innocent man was punished with death. Underneath that though, his death and resurrection achieved so much more than that. Jesus really did die on a cross all those years ago and the Bible makes it clear that it was for us so we can come back into relationship with the God who created us. If you're interested about why Jesus had to die you can read more about it here. (Thanks, Gavin!)
I got an big A4 envelope in the post this week. When Dad I went hot air ballooning there was an opportunity to buy a photo taken while we were up in the balloon, thousands of feet off the ground. I think it looks rather groovy. What do you reckon?
why? OT why ?
9 years ago
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