Monday, 28 April 2008

False sense of achievement?

I've been checking the league table for my footy team following the weekend's results. It's a little out because our result from last week and the result of one game from this weekend just gone haven't been entered yet, but even with that taken into account it shows something that is perhaps a little worrying. We should be either 1st or 2nd (depending on whether the unentered result from Saturday was a draw or not), which is good, but of the four teams we've played, we lost to the team actually in 2nd or 3rd and the three teams we beat are all in the bottom four. We're playing the other team in the bottom four this Saturday so hopefully we can continue our run, but after that I guess we have to play the other teams that have been winning a bit. Then we'll really see how good we are.


Anonymous said...

Hi Andy & Jo,

Just wanted to say thanks for keeping up the blog, we still read it regularly. Sounds like the footy is going really well. All well here in London, Ruth is now half way through the pregnancy and we know it is going to be another boy so we are excited about it. God bless,
K, R & Z

Andy said...

Hey Keith
Great to hear people are still reading. It kind of makes it all worthwhile :)
So excited that God is going to bless your family with another addition. Does Zack understand yet quite what's going to happen?