Thursday, 3 May 2007

It's official!

Exciting news today - I've had my NZ work visa cancelled. "But I thought you said it was exciting news" I hear you cry. Well, if you'd let me finish I'd have gone on to explain that my work visa has been cancelled because I've been granted a residence visa. Now that is exciting. I've just been over to Nuzziland House on the Haymarket to get it stuck in my passport. And it all took less than a month from me applying to getting my visa granted. NZ efficiency at work. None of this British red tape stuff. Impressive indeed.

So what else is new? Well, we filed our application for three months accommodation in the West Fitzroy and should hear back in a few days. I don't foresee a problem. And the guy who is buying our flat came over last night with his mum and wants everything we care to leave behind in terms of furniture and stuff as it's his first home. That makes life a lot easier for us, for sure. Anyone want a widescreen TV though? I'm not leaving that for him.

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