What a rollercoaster two minutes. I just got back to my desk following afternoon tea to find two emails from Joanne.
3:03pm - "She [Storm] is going to Dogwatch tomorrow!"
Enter a feeling of excitement.
3:08pm - "Dogwatch just rang. She's been rehomed from the pound"
Enter feeling of deflation, that stamps all over the excitement and laughs in its face.
why? OT why ?
9 years ago
Labrador pup = at least 6 months of destruction to tables/chairs/wall paper etc etc. Our house still hasn't recovered fully from all the gnawing and we got Megan when I was doing my A-levels. Plus they think they're puppies until they're about 10 anyway so it doesn't matter too much. Labs = best dogs. Ps take those disgusting shorts off please.
We're going to look at a 8mth year old lab tomorrow. Although possibly he's got some whippet in him too. At least he'll be able to go running with Jo. If Jo can keep up.
Those shorts are essential kiwi beach wear, I heard. It's what all the cool surfy kids are wearing.
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