Monday, 9 July 2007

The lasts (and the firsts)

This weekend was quite some weekend for lasts.

  • Friday night was the last time Joanne and I will go over to Davin and Irene's for dinner (and so may be the last time I read to Tahlia). It happened to be the first time too. And the first time I've played mahjong.
  • Saturday was the last time Ian, Chris and I will get together on a Saturday morning to head to the driving range. That was actually a first too, despite trying to arrange it for months and months.
  • Saturday was also the last time we'll meet Jo's rellies, June and Ron and her Uncle John for lunch. Hmmm, Harvester salad cart.
  • Today was the last time I'll lead a service at the Barge.
  • This afternoon was the last time I'll prepare a study for our Barge fellowship group.
  • This evening was the last time we'll go round to Chris and Ros's for a meal.
  • Also this evening will be the last time I have to change a tyre on the PT Cruiser. Another first as well. (What a day to find it flat with a screw sticking out of it though, the day before Marvin was supposedly meant to be coming to collect it.)

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