Tuesday, 10 July 2007


The only developments with the flat sale seem to be that there have been no developments. Our solicitor contacted the buyer's solicitor at the tail end of last week and was advised that she is continuing to chase the borough council but has had no response yet. When we asked our solicitor if we could try the council ourselves she said that if the buyer's side had made no progress she would chase the council herself. When the buyer's solicitor called our solicitor back she was told that the council keeping promising to send something out but as yet it has not been received. So our solicitor called the Environmental Health department and left a message as the person dealing with the matter is on a training course today. (Being trained to do his job in a timely manner I would hope!) The person our solicitor spoke to told her though that she could tell from the system that it is being dealt with as a matter of urgency. (If this is urgent I hate to think what speed they dawdle at.) Our solicitor is going to contact them again tomorrow.

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