Monday, 30 July 2007

Big trees

Today Joanne, Shirley and I headed up north a little to the Kauri Museum at Matakohe. It was really interesting. Kauris, in case you don't know, are an indigenous tree that can grow really quite big and can live to over a thousand years old. It was interesting learning about the trees, but the really interesting bit about the museum was learning about the early pioneers who logged these trees and how they lived and survived. It was good to learn a bit of history, at least regarding the European settlers, of the nation I now call home.

Speaking of which, I've been feeling really weird in the last couple of days. Not sure why, but I kind of feel cheated or something. To me, this move was huge, bold, pioneering even. And yet, everywhere I go I hear English accents. It's not a brave new frontier I'm exploring at all. Loads of people have already done what I'm doing. I feel like my emotions are a fraud.

This evening I cooked dinner, ably-assisted in the kitchen by the lovely Joanne. We cooked for Shirley and Tom, and Grant and Trina came over too. I decided I wanted to do something English so cooked toad in the hole, as I mentioned I was going to, with mash, beans and gravy. Totally northern. I followed up with banana, rum and walnut spiced crumble, my own invention. I think everyone enjoyed the grub. They certainly all put enough away and then moaned they were completely stuffed enough to suggest they enjoyed it. It does make me happy to cook for people and then have them not be able to move for an hour. It makes the effort so worthwhile.

And speaking of food, our trip to the supermarket for a few things with Shirley today surpassed all expectations. I discovered they sell English Marmite (although the call it 'Our Mate') and HP Brown Sauce. I could not be happier!

Oh, and the flat sale completed to top off a rather good day.


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord on your flat completion. What a relief ! Glad to hear about the cooking escapade... I was checking this eve to see what the 'next exciting episode' would be.

Andy said...

I love when people leave comments, either on here or on Facebook. It's really lovely to know that people care enough to want to read it and keep up with what we're doing. Thank you, Ruth. You've started my day off with a smile :)

Pete Green said...

I'm not happy about beans with gravy, Andy. Not happy at all. Another of your bizarre foodstuff combinations!

Must say, the dessert sounds good though...

Andy said...

Pete, you should try it. It's wonderful. Needs to be good strong, thick gravy though.