Sunday, 16 December 2007

Shepherds in shorts

Today I got to see my first summer nativity. It was carol service day today at church and the kids of the Sunday school performed the traditional nativity play. Bless. How cute. Nativity plays, singing carols and the usual passages from the Bible about Jesus' birth do seem a little out of place when the sun's shining though. I wonder if I'll manage to feel Christmassy once we're up north.

Melanie is over from Hong Kong at the moment, visiting her family. She just spend a week in Wellington with her mum and is now down in Chch visiting Mon and Barry and the kids so came along to church this morning. Afterwards we headed to Northlands for a bit of lunch. It got me thinking how nice it is that we're friends with Monika as a result of knowing Mel and Marvin back in London. Mel's over here for dinner tomorrow night so it will be good to catch up a bit. I know Jo's looking forward to spending some time with her bridesmaid.

Joanne and I stopped by Animates on the way home. They had two gorgeous little schnauzer-shih tzu cross puppies, one biscuit coloured and one black with brown 'detailing'. Getting a dog is a big commitment though, eh? And which particular variety is the rightr flavour for us? I think we'll revisit the issue in the new year.

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