Friday, 24 August 2007

Almost there

We went unconditional on the house today. In UK terms that's equivalent to exchanging contracts. We settle next week, the NZ equivalent of completing in the UK. I still can't believe how smoothly it's all been. It's not like the solicitors and council and everyone have had less to do than for a UK sale, they just do it faster and more efficiently. We arrived in Chch on the 8th and will take possession of a house on the 31st. When did a property purchase in the UK ever happen in three weeks?

I'm getting a bit nervous about work on Monday now. It's silly, I know, but I've only ever worked for one company, doing cocoa (on the whole) that whole time. It's going to be strange meeting new colleagues, being the new boy, not knowing quite what to expect. I hope my first week goes as smoothly as Joanne's. She's settled in brilliantly it seems, is developing a good relationship with her boss, and seems to have a really friendly, welcoming team around her.

I spent some time today writing a newsletter for our Christian family in the UK and elsewhere, updating everyone on what's been happening with us during the past month, and have just emailed it out, blanket coverage scattergun style. Please do let me know if you would like a copy but haven't received one (although to be honest, if you're reading this on a daily basis you won't read anything new) as my email address book may well be out of date. Barge people, I've not emailed you. I mailed it to Marcus and he says he'll print copies for you to pick up. Thank you, Marcus :)

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