Shirley and Tom arrived on Saturday evening and are with us until tomorrow night. On Sunday while Shirley, Joanne and I went to church, Tom went over to the (hopefully) new house giving it the once over, noting everything that needs a final adjustment or finishing touch before we complete on it. The list was small, which was a relief.After church we went back to the house, to pick Tom up, and for Shirley to have a proper look at the place. They liked it. It's good to have their input on things (and approval). Not that it would have made a difference but it's good to have a reasoned, impartial view alongside our romantic idealism.
After seeing the house we nipped to the bistro at the Coffee Club, the muffin place, for lunch. The bistro, for good home-cooked food, was very nice. The meal ended with a muffin, strawberry and white chocolate today. It would have been rude not to.
The sermon was great again yesterday. Very challenging. It was the first in a series on Deuteronomy and was an overview of the book. In the sermon Wally challenged us as Christians asking if we personally and corporately are moving on, trusting God as we move towards the promised land or whether we are remaining at our Mount Sinaii. It's amazing that the book of Deuteronomy is so relevant to us now with Israel back then being expected to live different and holy lives apart from the secular society surrounding them as a witness and in response to their covenant with God. In one sense, thousands of years on, nothing has changed for God's people. We are still called to be witnesses for him in a world that rejects and ignores him.
Today Joanne started work. It seemed to go well, I think. She's not said she's regretting taking the job, so that's always a good sign.I'm still enjoying my life of leisure. Today Tom, Shirley and I drove out to New Brighton, took a walk along the pier, headed down to Sumner for lunch, and then went to a driving range to try out my new clubs. I'm getting better but need some lessons. Joanne arrived home to find I'd made a lasagne which was all ready to stick in the oven. Let's hope she doesn't get used to this sort of service this week, as it won't last. Once I'm working too, starting next week, she might have to wait for dinner.
why? OT why ?
9 years ago
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